Saturday, November 26, 2011

Not to Eat Cats And Dogs Against The Ethics of The Orthodox Chinese Culture

Beijing stray animals is relatively more than other cities, the number of stray dogs in the 10,000 to 20,000, stray dogs than cats because of poor survival, the survival of the whole situation of stray animals is very poor. First, they do not guarantee the survival of the environment, food is not guaranteed, there is no guarantee of drinking water, and living conditions are not guaranteed. In addition, people are a threat to them. Many communities are relatively poor tolerance of stray animals, often someone will beat them, abuse them. In the cold winter there will be a large number of stray animals can not live until next spring.

Qin Xiaona: Beijing, primarily stray cats stray animals and stray dogs, and other small pets, such as rabbits, geese, ducks, and some kids to buy a small duck, feeling good, he will not grow up in our to do the survey shows the number of stray cats in Beijing at about 160,000 to 200,000.

Not to Eat Cats and Dogs against the Ethics of the Orthodox Chinese Culture

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Animals do not conflict with the rescue aid should no longer question the protection of animals

Qinxiao Na: I think the interests of animals and humans should be less conflict. Because the interests of some people, because man is a very special animal, he is not the absolute ability to control human desires is much higher than the animals, no other animal can control the people. People in the world have the responsibility, because people power comes greater control, responsibility will be. We tend to put animals into harmful and useful, this is an idealistic thing. In fact every animal, every life on Earth has its own rationality, including flies, too.

Qin Xiaona: Last year and early this year, the discussion of the prohibition of cruelty to animals, this issue has caused a great controversy. To support a party that can eat Chinese food culture, including the custom of eating dogs and cats, so the law can not make restrictions on Chinese culture, we have a special situation. So I feel very confused this point, our nation's history no one has ever said that the cat can eat, handed down from our nation's history from the paintings, works, stories, cats are cute image, representative of good luck, no one said cat meat is eaten. Recently suddenly eat cats, and I feel very confused, I do not know who up, we must be clear, we, as a Chinese, must be very clear, very understanding of Chinese culture, what is true, What is a bad, bad, what we are now a number of interest groups in the flicker of something.

Moderator: eat pork and ethical difference between eating dogs and cats is like?

Slaughter animals to prevent disease are folly doctors say may not be scientific

Moderator: now can not eat cats and dogs have a lot of controversy, what is your opinion?

Qin Xiaona: only the Chinese people to reflect on their own, we can have healthy development of the power and strength. We do not see other people say about us that we should adjust their own bad ones must be corrected. We do not need the pain of animals must take as our enjoyment. This is a moral bottom line of human; we can not break the bottom line.

Qinxiao Na: I think he's thinking is still stuck in an either-or, black or white, life and death in the state. Such people may be "OUT" of the.

Moderator: Foreign accused us of eating dog, eat cats, eating should not eat other animals. We will feel that they accuse us not speak of human rights, disregard the rights of animals, is no reason to blame, not really.

Moderator: Now, some people still doubt the problem you feel sorry?

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Qinxiao Na: I was asked this question countless times. I think this problem, first of all it reflects our ideology and some of the things that's been the emphasis on personal interests of the class struggle, emphasizing not you die that I live, emphasizing the concept of an either-or, this idea has been extended down. We call for elimination of the country in 1958 sparrow, because it prevents the people's interests, because we were still enough to eat. The results of a large number of birds brought serious pests disappear, natural disasters have three or four million people were starved to death, this is a reincarnation, retribution. Now the twenty-first century, China has developed to such an extent, we should not ask this question.

Moderator: What happened recently?

Qinxiao Na: Chinese history in terms of five animals, there can take it, there can be used. Slowly the situation of human evolution from the wild to form a social culture, the gradual evolution of this process is over, according to human development and natural laws. Should eat, what is the relationship between ethics, so we abandoned a lot of barbaric things, the evolution of civilization. If I can eat anything that will one day evolve to the people is to eat people. So, if a country, a nation in total disregards of ethics, regardless of ethics, and is very dangerous, very scary. If the support of the mainstream media eats cats to eat dog, the future is really very worrying.

Moderator: winter, and on reports of stray animals in more and more, please tell us about the survival of stray animal's present status, you can tell us about the status of Beijing.

Moderator: There are many people willing to help small animals to sell their assets everywhere to borrow money, their friends do not understand him, there are a lot of people accused him of saying there are so many homeless people, why do not you save money, you how do you view this phenomenon?

Beijing has nearly 20 million stray cats, but a large number of stray animals to endure the winter

I have views of the World Health Organization is, like avian flu and other diseases can be controlled, instead of using the massacre way. Veterinary organizations are now proposed, a village fowl plague occurs, the radius of five kilometers of the birds has to burn out, the way this killing will not solve the fundamental problem can only be symptomatic, and it is entirely from the interest to start. To recognize that technology is not necessarily to do with culture, the doctor may be very skilled in the medical field, but he did not complete the other fields to consider, but often the experts give us some suggestions, this proposal is harmful, not objective, the sustainability of the whole development is not a recommendation. In particular, I also hope that we have to send the policy decision-makers when considering policy must be balanced and comprehensive thinking.

Moderator: We see the child rabbit video, you know this person have psychological problems. But when the interests of animals and we have conflict, including rabies, we will over the life of a superior attitude that they treat them. Few people at this time to reflect, in fact, I am also in cruelty to animals, in fact, this thing should not happen.

Eat cats and dogs are not contrary to the traditional Chinese ethical behavior

Dogs, too, the whole tradition in Chinese history, few people will eat dog. Water Margin in Monk eat dog leg, are very negative image, only the ruffian, rogue that it does not follow the traditional things people eat dogs. Guangdong, Guangxi, Vietnam, the land was wild, they eat, but eating it. In the customs which people could eat people, our history people have eaten. But this is not a cultural tradition and orthodox Chinese phenomenon, nor is it allowed to eat. Because people eat what is ethical, human and animal, between man and man is ethical to control.

Qin Xiaona: Recently Zhejiang Province in the dog. In order to prevent rabies is still present, the Government will use the practice of this stupid dog, but the method proved to prevent rabies by dog is totally ineffective. County of Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province last year found a case of rabies, the results of the city's 11 counties are beginning to dog. Employed workers hit with a stick, so after the burial spot is good, some of the bodies directly into the Han River is still going great influence on the environment. It seems from around the world, no country is the dog's way to prevent rabies: the number of dogs in Japan is not much more than we rabies, Indonesia has not reported cases for 15 years, or by not relying on the dog vaccine to achieve. Slaughter to prevent rabies, both savage not any effects, and only with the vaccine.

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